
About Resolute

res·o·lute - admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering


Resolute Coffee Roasters was born out of a passion for good coffee at a great price by the Grueber family.  Dan, owner/roaster, searched relentlessly for good coffee from numerous coffee shops.  The large chains didn't offer anything worth drinking black and other local shops sold great coffee, but cost you a kidney and a full gold ingot.  

One day while browsing a home beer brewing supply catalog, Dan noticed a coffee roaster known as a Behmor 1600+.  Now, three roasters, countless hours, and literally gallons of coffee later, Resolute exists as a labor of love to share great coffee at a reasonable price.

We aim to bring great coffee, education and more importantly memories to the masses.  Here at Resolute, we are driven by an unwavering attention to detail and a drive parallel to none.  Countless hours behind a roaster trying to perfect profiles is what drives us to constantly look for ways to improve.  We drink a lot of bad coffee in our pursuit of perfection so that what you get in your cup, is the best possible coffee we can make. 

Share our coffee with family. friends or neighbors but most importantly create great memories as your drink it.  Our family is why we do this and we want to encourage our customers to make memories with their families, just as we have with ours during this process.  We hope you enjoy every last drop of the cup from us and continue to come back time and time again.



The Grueber's